Sew-in Glove and Insta -Loc Glove is design to fit with a natural fitted lite weight feel, without bulkiness.Protects the fingers and hand while performing a Sew-In-Weave, Insta-Loc Extension and Crochet Service.
Do Sew-In-Weaves or Insta-Loc Extension faster with confidence and no more painful ,sore, irritating fingers
Bronner Brothers Hair show
Bronner Brothers Hair show was a great success. Thanks for all the testimonies
Hair Stylist Slaying with the Sew-In-Glove
Hairstylist slaying a Sew-In while wearing the
Sew-In-Glove in the Weave Competition.
2nd Place Winner @ the Bronner Brothers Champion of Weaves Competition
@mrhairbully3 Slayed wearing the Sew-In-Glove.